I’ve enjoyed writing my blog, although I have found it challenging. With the study tasks, I’ve had difficulty writing them, particularly getting started with the introduction. However, I do feel that my more current posts have improved since the earlier ones. I tended to focus my blog posts on my opinions and what I thought of an exhibition, video or text, as I struggled to look at ‘what’s not being said’. Within this, I have also looked at the counter argument to my point, sort of like a debate. I have learnt to question things and not take it for what it is, but when it comes to writing my blog posts, I’ve struggled to incorporate this. I definitely need to work on this more and work on looking at the ‘untold’ story. I would like to learn how to understand academic texts and how I can interpret this into my blog posts because I feel that they would add more substance to my blog and help to reinforce the points that I am making. I feel that I need to attend more of a variety of exhibitions to develop my knowledge and to help me see other things from different point of views. In conclusion, I need to improve my understanding and applying of academic texts and I need to learn to look at the untold story.

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